After three heart attacks I changed my life completely



After three heart attacks I changed my life completely


“Since I changed my lifestyle and lost a lot of weight, I feel much better. I have more energy, I’m less tired, and I’m taking fewer medications,” says our patient Jadranka, who sought our help after her heart attack.

Jadranka S. (59), a cashier at a school, had her first heart attack in 2011. In the following years, she experienced two more minor heart attacks.

“I was recovering from the third heart attack and was constantly having symptoms. Especially after exercising, I felt short of breath and had cramps. I went for a second opinion with Dr. Tamara at the Puls Cardiology Center,” says this nearly sixty-year-old woman.


The excess weight was a barrier to regular check-ups

Jadranka’s father had diabetes and was also a heart patient. After experiencing three heart attacks herself, she knew she had to make a change. She has three children, and after her pregnancies, it was hard for her to lose weight. Still, Jadranka had always been physically active.

“I hesitated to go to the doctor when I had a problem because I knew I was overweight. I thought the doctors would tell me I had to lose weight first. You know you need to do it, but finding motivation is hard.”

Dr. Tamara advised Jadranka not to become obsessed with losing weight.

“I was in the middle of menopause and didn’t always have the energy for everything,” she recalls.

However, four years ago, Jadranka managed to lose 27 kilograms.

“I used to exercise a lot on the bike at the gym, but I had to stop because of a lower back injury, which led to weight gain,” she explains.

That injury, however, she says, might have been a blessing in disguise, as it led her to swimming and increased her interest in healthy eating.

“I’ve always eaten a lot of fruits and vegetables, but I also love pasta, rice, bread, and other carbohydrate-rich foods. They’re tasty, but not great for the figure. I started reducing my carbohydrate intake. My breakfast now includes oatmeal with yogurt or plant-based milk and fruit. For lunch, I usually have a green salad or soup, and sometimes two whole grain sandwiches, while for dinner, I eat a lot of vegetables with meat or fish. I only have a glass of wine or beer on weekends.”

Healthy food after heart attack

I used all the help of advanced technology

Jadranka also utilized various technological aids, such as lifestyle tracking apps and wore a sports watch.

“With the app, you can track exactly how many calories you’re consuming, and my sports watch shows, among other things, how many calories I burn during different sports activities,” she says.

Along with two friends who also wanted to lose a few pounds, she created a WhatsApp group where they shared their ups and downs during the weight loss process. In the meantime, she recovered from her back injury and gained more motivation to exercise.

“Let’s be honest, I didn’t expect to enjoy sports this much. At some point, you get into a rhythm. I’m back to going to the gym regularly and swim three times a week. Now I’m already in the pool at 7 AM and walk for an hour three times a week.”

I take fewer pills


Jadranka notices a significant difference since she switched to a healthy diet and became physically active again.

“I have much more energy, I’m less tired, and my medication has been reduced. I’ll never be able to be completely without medication, but now I take one less pill than before. In my last bike test, my results were much better.”

Since losing a lot of weight, she feels liberated.

“Shopping suddenly becomes much more enjoyable. I still indulge in what I love on weekends, but on Monday, I get back on track!”

Picture of Vamtam

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