Get inspired to take control of your heart health with tips and articles

A Guide to Hypertension

Written by: MD Svetislav Mališić, cardiologist. Hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure is elevated above the permissible values ​​- above 140/90 mmHg.

Pacijent na pregledu u Kardiološkom centru Puls

Are heart diseases hereditary?

The prevalence of heart diseases is significant. When we talk about them, we often mention that the greatest responsibility lies with us, as the habits

Doktor u jednoj ruci drži epruvetu sa krvlju pacijenta a u drugoj figuricu u obliku srca

What is troponin?

When a person presents to doctors with symptoms suggestive of a heart attack, one of the first blood tests that will be performed is the
