MD Milica Mitrović Jovanović

MD Milica Mitrović Jovanović
Specific professional orientation:
- Emergency radiology and emergency diagnostic of the thorax and abdomen.
- She works daily on diagnostic modalities such as classical X-ray diagnostics, ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen and pelvis, as well as the soft tissues of the neck.
- She perfected her work on MSCT of the neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis, as well as MDCT angiography. Working at the First Surgical Clinic, she gained knowledge in the interpretation of the findings of MDCT and MR enterography, colonography and gastrography, but also MR imaging of the abdomen and pelvis, gynecological region, as well as MRI diagnostics of the prostate.
- On a daily basis, she improves her knowledge in the diagnostic, staging and procedures of the post-therapeutic effect of malignancy of the liver, pancreas and complete digestive tract.
- 1998 – 2002 High school – Gymnasium, natural sciences and mathematics
- 2002 – 2010 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
- 2012 – PhD studies in radiology and nuclear medicine – Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade
- 2012 – 2016 Specialization in radiology
- Defended specialist-academic paper in radiology on the topic “The importance of multidetector computed tomography in the diagnosis of morphology and function of the left ventricle of the heart”
- 2020 – Specialization in digestive radiology
- January 2021 – Pulse Cardiology Center – Radiologist
- 2011-2015 Emergency Center – Department of Emergency Radiology – Clinical Center of Serbia – radiologist
- Since 2015 at the Department of Digestive Radiology – First Surgical Clinic – Clinical Center of Serbia – radiologist
Publications and seminars:
Doctor Milica Mitrović Jovanović is a participant and lecturer at several gatherings and congresses, both in the country and abroad. She actively participates and is educated at professional gatherings in the field of digestive radiology. She is the author of published papers in the field of digestive radiology and abdominal surgery.
- European Association of Radiologists (ESR)
- European Association of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiologists (ESGAR).
- Serbian Medical Association
- Association of Radiologists of Serbia