Prof dr sci med Nemanja Đenić

Prof dr sci med Nemanja Đenić
Specific professional orientation:
Dr. Nemanja Đenić has 15 years of clinical experience in managing cardiac patients and 10 years of work in the Cardiac Catheterization Room at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.
Dr. Đenić performs an average of 500 procedures in the Cardiac Catheterization Room per year.
- 1992 – 2000 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Medical Doctor
- 2001- 2005 Military Medical Academy – VMA in Belgrade – Internal medicine studies
- 2007 – Military Medical Academy – VMA in Belgrade – Interventional Cardiology
- 2011 – Military Medical Academy – VMA in Belgrade – Subspecialization in cardiology
- 2017 – Defended doctoral dissertation – Assessment of the clinical significance of insufficient blood flow, after primary percutaneous intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST elevation.
- Advanced training in interventional cardiology (Clinical Center of Serbia 2006-2008)
- Course for transfemoral aortic valve implantation (TAVI-2010, Budapest and Paris)
- Improvement of additional techniques (FFR and OCT-Budapest 2012)
- PCR Congress and ESC Congresses, TOBI, GIM, several past years
- Clinic for Emergency Internal Medicine, Military Medical Academy „VMA“ – Head of the Clinic
- 2011 – Military Medical Academy „VMA“ Cardiologist
- 2006 – 2007 – Clinical Center of Serbia „KCS“ – Education in interventional cardiology – Independent work in the Cardiac Catheterization Room
- 2005 – Military Medical Academy „VMA“ – Internal Medicine Specialist – Work on intensive care with vitally endangered patients – AIM, PTE, sepsis, respiratory support
- 2001- 2005 – Military Medical Academy „VMA“ – Internal Medicine Specialist
- 2000-2001 – MMA – Clinical doctor – Patient management in the Military Medical Academy „VMA“ – emergency Internal medicine clinic
- Member of the European Association of Cardiologists (ESC cardio)
- Member of the Board of the Association of Coronary Units of Serbia
- President of the Serbian Cardiology Assosiation – Belgrade branch
- Member of the Supervisory Board of the Serbian Assosiation of Cardiologist
- Member of the Serbian Cardiology Assosiation
- Former Secretary of the Serbian Cardiology Assosiation (2007-2009)
- Member of the working group for interventional cardiology – Serbian Cardiology Assosiation
- National project manager of the “stent save a life” program for Serbia, 2016
- Participation in a clinical study (Clinical researcher with all certificates), in TAK 475 study, organized by Takeda – 2007 phase 3.
- Head investigator of the clinical study, currently ongoing ODYSSEY-SANOFI, EFC 11570-lipid lowering therapy-Alirocumab. (all certificates), phase 3.
- Clinical researcher in the study “Efficacy and safety of mesenchymal cardiopoietic cells derived from bone marrow (C3BSCQR1) in the treatment of chronic advanced heart failure of ischemic origin”, CHART-1, Protocol No: C3BS-C-11-01.
- Acquired all certificates, including certificates for the use of C-cath catheters.
Professional lectures:
- Amec 09.2020 – Non Culprite lesion, when and how is treated
- Congress of the Serbian Cardiology Assosiation – Structural heart disease – TAVI and BAV procedures
- Basics 04.2021 – Structural Heart Disease Session – Aortic Valvula
- Basics 2021 – Challenges in the care of cardiac patients in the pandemic era
- Zasink 2020 – Structural diseases-BAV
- Modern therapy in patients with NVAF – 02.2021 Bayer
- Significance of the drug Entresto in the treatment of HF – May 2021, Novartis
- Why I chose Prasugrel, May.2021, Military Medical Academy – „VMA“, Hemofarm
- Significance of balloon – Solarice, 02.2021, Military Medical Academy – „VMA“, Medtronic
- Clinical practice – preductal 80 mg, February 2021, Servier
- XIX Congress of Cardiologists of Serbia – Zlatibor 2013 – oral presentation (Dissection of the main trunk of the left coronary artery)
- 8TH Basics, Belgrade, April 23-26 “Case report, LM dissection during diagnostic procedure) – presentation
- TOBI Venice 2014 – “Case report-bifurcation, Medina 0-0-1” and Case report “Complications, LM dissection, series of cases) -presentations.
- PCR 2015 – accepted presentation in the session – complications.
Publications and chapters in books:
1.Factors influencing no-reflow phenomenon in patients with ST-segment myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention
Nemanja Đenić, Boris Džudović, Radoslav Romanovic, Nenad Ratković, Zoran Jović, Boško Đukić, Marijan Spasić, Siniša Stojković, Slobodan Obradović.Vojnosanit Pregl 2018; October
vol. 75 (No. 10):DOI:10.2298/VSP160405030D
2.Iatrogenic Dissection of the Left Main Coronary Artery during Elective Diagnostic Procedures
Nemanja Djenic, Boris Dzudovic, Radoslav Romanovic, Nenad Ratkovic, Zoran Jovic, Bosko Djukic, Marijan Spasic, Sinisa Stojkovic, Slobodan Obradovic
Military-medical and pharmaceutical review • January 2017, DOI: 10.2298/VSP160405030D
3.Serbia: coronary and structural heart interventions from 2010 to 2015
Sinisa Stojkovic, Dejan Milasinovic, Nenad Bozinovic, Aleksandar Davidovic, Dragan Debeljacki, Nemanja Djenic, Sasa Hinic, Nikola Jagic, Olivera Micic, Vladimir Mitov
EuroIntervention 2017;13:Z1-Z5
4.Diagnostic value of biohumoral markers of necrosis and inflammation in patients with right ventricular myocardial infarction.
Orozović V, Rafajlovski S, Gligić B, Miailović Z, Obradović S, Ratković N, Djenić N, Baskot Contributions. 2007 Jul; 28 (1): 23-38.
5.Changes in platelets and anticoagulant protein activity during adenosine-exercise single-photon emission computed tomography stress test.
Obradović S, Subota V, Baskot B, Dopudja M, Antonijević N, Djenić N, Vukotić S, Salinger S, Jovelić A, Miković D, Antović J, Grdenić A, Gligić B.
Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2010 Jan;138 Suppl 1:28-32.
6.Impact of heart myxoma localization upon its clinical course and outcome].
Rafajlovski S, Ilić R, Gligić B, Kanjuh V, Tatić V, Ristić A, Obradović S, Dincić D, Ratković N, Romanović R, Karić J, Djenić N, Vukotić S.
2012 Mar;69(3):270-6. Serbian.
7.Does thrombolytic therapy harm or help in STEMI caused by the spontaneous coronary dissection? Case report and the review of the literature
Zoran Jović, Slobodan Obradović, Nemanja Đenić, Zorica Mladenović, Predrag Đurić, Marijan Spasić, Dragan Tavčiovski.
The paper was accepted for publication
Book chapters:
- Specifics of treatment of rheumatological patients on peritoneal dialysis (N. Đenić)
- Peritoneal dialysis, Colonel Professor Dr. Djoko Maksic
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Belgrade Edition 2010