Ass dr Perica Mutavdžić

Ass dr Perica Mutavdžić
Specijalista vaskularne hirurgije
Uža profesionalna orijentacija:
- Vaskularna hirurgija, hirurgija aorte, hirurgija karotidnih arterija, endovaskularna hirurgija
- 2005-2011. – Integrisane akademske studije, Medicinski fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu
- 2017/2018. – Doktorske akademske studije na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu iz oblasti „Rekonstruktivna hirurgija“
- 2019 – godine boravio na studijskoj edukaciji u okviru specijalizacije iz Vaskularne hirurgije u bolnici St Francizcus Hospital u Minsteru (Nemačka), pod mentorstvom prof. dr Đovanija Torsela.
- 2020 – Specijalizacija iz vaskularne hirurgije
- 2021 – Izabran za kliničkog asistenta na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u beogradu, predmet Hirurgija sa anesteziologijom
Radno iskustvo:
- Januar 2021 – Puls kardiološki centar – specijalista vaskularne hirurgije
- Septembar 2011. – Klinika za vaskularnu i endovaskularnu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije
Reference, stručni radovi i članstva:
- Član Evropskog udruženja vaskularnih hirurga (European Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery – ESVS)
- Član Udruženja kardiovaskularnih hirurga Srbije
- Asimptomatična karotidna hirurgija Trial (ACST 2) – saradnik
- VOYAGER PAD – Efikasnost i bezbednost rivaroksabana u smanjenju rizika od većih trombotičnih vaskularnih događaja kod subjekata sa simptomatskom bolešću perifernih arterija u postupku periferne revaskularizacije donjih ekstremiteta – Saradnik
- Mehanizam bolesti za pacijente sa bolestima karotidnih arterija radi zadovoljenja potreba za stratifikovanim i personalizovanim terapijskim intervencijama u trenutnoj eri “- EU projekat 755320 – TAXINOMISIS – Saradnik.
- The HOROZONtm Setent-graft sistem trbušne aorte – osnovna studija CE – Koordinator studije
- Pejkic S, Sladojevic M, Koncar I, Radmili O, Mutavdzic P, Dragaš M, Ilić N. Isolated true aneurysm of the superficial temporal artery: a truly enigmatic lesion. Vasa. 2014 Sep;43(5):380-4.
- Pejkic S, Opacic D, Mutavdzic P, Radmili O, Krstic N, Davidovic L. Chronic complete thrombosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm: an unusual presentation of an unusual complication. Vascular. 2015 Feb;23(1):83-8.
- Davidovic L, Koncar I, Dragas M, Markovic M, Ilic N, Mutavdzic P, Banzic I, Ristanovic N. Female and obese patients might have higher risk from surgical repair of asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. Ann Vasc Surg. 2015 Aug;29(6):1286-92.
- Fatic N, Markovic M, Tomic I, Mutavdzic P, Vukcevic G, Lazovic R, Pajovic B, Nikolic A. Reborn of Internal-External Carotid Artery Transposition as a Repair Method for Shotgun Injury of Neck Zone 2. Ann Vasc Surg. 2015 Nov;29(8):1663.e9-12.
- Koncar I, Ribac JZ, Ilic NS, Dragas M, Mutavdzic P, Tomic IZ, Ristanovic N, Kostic D, Davidovic L. Carotid replacement with Dacron graft in 292 patients.Vascular. 2016; 24(6): 580-589.
- Davidovic LB, Maksic M, Koncar I, Ilic N, Dragas M, Fatic N, Markovic M, Banzic I, Mutavdzic P. Open Repair of AAA in a High Volume Center.World J Surg. 2017 Mar;41(3):884-891.
- Sladojevic M, Bjelovic M, Ilic N, Mutavdzic P, Koncar I, Dragas M, Markovic M, Davidovic
- Open Surgical Treatment of Secondary Aortoesophageal and Aortobronchial Fistula after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair and Esophagocoloplasty in a Second Procedure. Ann Vasc Surg. 2017 Oct;44:417.e11-417.
- Ilic NS, Opacic D, Mutavdzic P, Koncar I, Dragas M, Jovicic S, Markovic M, Davidovic L. Evaluation of the renal function using serum Cystatin C following open and endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. Vascular. 2018 Apr;26(2):132-141.
- Zlatanovic P, Koncar I, Dragas M, Ilic N, Sladojevic M, Mutavdzic P, Tomic I, Kostic D, Davidovic L. Combined Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease and Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury on Long-term Outcomes in Patients with Acute Lower Limb Ischaemia. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2018;56(1):78-86.
- Davidovic LB, Markovic M, Kostic D, Zlatanovic P, Mutavdzic P, Cvetic V. Open repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm with associated horseshoe kidney. Int Angiol. 2018 Dec;37(6):471-478.
- Mutavdzic P, Dragas M, Kukic B, Stevanovic K, Končar I, Ilić N, Tomic I, Sladojevic M, Davidovic L. An Isolated Aneurysm of the Abdominal Aorta in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome-A Case Report. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020 Feb;63:454.e1-454.e4.
- Vujcic A, Mutavdzic P, Barisic B, Davidovic L. Primary Aorto-Appendicular Fistula Accompanied by Infected Penetrating Aortic Ulcer – Case Report. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020 May;65:283.e1-283.e5.
- Sladojevic M, Zlatanovic P, Stanojevic Z, Koncar I, Vidicevic S, Tasic J, Isakovic A, Tomic I, Mutavdzic P, Stevanovic K, Trailovic R, Davidovic L. Influence of preoperative statins and aspirin administration on biological and magnetic resonance imaging properties in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Vasa. 2020 Jul 16:1-9.
- Cvetkovic S, Koncar I, Ducic S, Zlatanovic P, Mutavdzic P, Maksimovic D, Kukic B, Markovic D, Davidovic L. Early and long-term results of open repair of inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms: Comparison with a propensity score-matched cohort. J Vasc Surg. 2020 Sep;72(3):910-917.
- Ducic SM, Koncar IB, Zlatanovic PM, Mutavdzic PM, Ilic N, Sladojevic MM, Tomic IZ, Davidovic LB. Predictors of in-hospital mortality and complications in acute aortic occlusion: a comparative analysis of patients with embolism and in-situ thrombosis. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2020 Sep 4.
- Timmerman N, Galyfos G, Sigala F, Thanopoulou K, de Borst GJ, Davidovic L, Eckstein HH, Filipovic N, Grugni R, Kallmayer M, de Kleijn DPV, Koncar I, Mantzaris MD, Marchal E, Matsagkas M, Mutavdzic P, Palombo D, Pasterkamp G, Potsika VT, Andreakos E, Fotiadis DI; all partners of the TAXINOMISIS Consortium. The TAXINOMISIS Project: A multidisciplinary approach for the development of a new risk stratification model for patients with asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. Eur J Clin Invest. 2020 Sep 20:e13411.
- Marković D, Vasić D, Mutavdžić P, Cvetković S, Popović V, Davidović L. The effect of graduated elastic compression stockings on clinical findings, complications and inflammatory and thrombotic markers in patients with superficial vein thrombophlebitis. Srpski Arhiv, 2020 Nov, DOI: 10.2298/SARH200311112M